The Maine Osteopathic Association welcomes Osteopathic Medical Students, Residents and Interns Training in Maine and beyond!

FREE MOA Membership For Students, Residents and Interns
UNE COM Students.. you are already a member!
The MOA is a resource to assist you on the path to becoming an Osteopathic Physician, but also one as you enter into practice, hopefully right here in Maine! Our D.O’s practice in many different specialties. MOA is an affiliate of the American Osteopathic Association (AOA).
During your training, your membership in the MOA is FREE! We welcome YOU to get involved in all we have to offer.
Your MOA Membership Benefits include:
Access to timely information through the MOA’s website, weekly e-news briefs and legislative action alerts!
UNE COM students have a voice and a voting representative on the MOA Board of Directors via the Student Government President. Residents also have a Representative on the MOA Board.
Ability to actively participate on a number of MOA committees including Technology/Communications to help create the MOA’s social media presence on Facebook and Twitter (@MaineDO) Instagram (@moa_maineosteo)
Advocacy opportunities like Physicians’ Day at the Maine Legislature and DO Day on Capitol Hill where students educate lawmakers about osteopathic medicine and issues surrounding graduate medical education like student loan debt and more
Networking opportunities—get connected to practicing DOs in Maine!
Apply for our student scholarship! Maine residents are eligible to receive $1,000 scholarships to assist with educational costs.
Educational Offerings – MOA Research Forum each February, two live CME events per year—learn alongside practicing physicians!
MOA Research Forum -- Held Annually in Conjunction with Midwinter Symposium
Are you working on research that you would like to present to colleagues? This is the perfect opportunity to share your work with the Maine Osteopathic Community.
Our Forum generally includes virtual or in person research presentation opportunities:
Typical Categories: Original Research, Case Report or Literature Review.
Call for Abstracts is typically sent in the fall and decisions shared in December, with Presentations in person or virtually presented in February in conjunction with the MOA Midwinter Symposium.
Prizes: The top ranking presentations in each category receive Amazon Gift Card Prizes! We also implemented podium presentation opportunities at our Midwinter Symposium in 2023.
Please Keep in Touch!
Maine Osteopathic Association, PO Box 1488, Warrenville, IL 60555
Facebook and Twitter (@MaineDO) Instagram (@moa_maineosteo)